Syarif Hidayat*
of Australian Muslims gathered to celebrate Eid al-Adha, as the country
politicians pushed for unity and denounced bigotry. Eid al-Adha, also known as
'Festival of the Sacrifice' is a Muslim holiday that celebrates the Prophet
Ibrahim for his willingness to sacrifice his own son, Ismail at the order of
and religious leaders have used an Eid celebration in Sydney's west to call for
respect and peace amid growing tensions. About 20,000 people gathered in Sydney's
southwest to mark Eid al-Adha, which also celebrates the end of the annual
pilgrimage, known as hajj, to Mecca.
rang out through Lakemba Mosque in Sydney's west on Saturday, October 4, 2014, when
the Muslim community gathered to worship and feast at the end of the annual
Hajj. While politicians from both Australia’s major parties stood among the
colourful hijabs and the white thobes donned by men to preach a message of
South Wales Premier Mike Baird addressed the crowd as "family".
NSW we are one family: we have different faiths, we have different backgrounds
but we are one family." "Let's be honest, over the past few days and
months it has been a difficult time," he said. The security presence had
been strengthened for today's events after the mosque was among a number to
receive threats in the wake of recent anti-terrorism raids.
of community trust
of government, opposition and Muslim community leaders at Sydney's Lakemba
Mosque called for a strengthening of community trust.
Minister Scott Morrison said the Eid Al-Adha celebration is a reminder of the
need to celebrate peace and freedom. Addressing those gathered, Mr Morrison
praised Muslims who showed what was "true and pure". "I commend
those of faith here today who came together in spirit of peace and of
unity," he said. "I assure you of the government's support of this
"We also come together as Australians to
remember those who are a long, long way from here today," he told the
20,000 people gathered at Lakemba Mosque to mark one of Islam's biggest
Defence Forces on all of our behalfs today and in weeks and months ahead will
represent all of us who will seek to restore peace and freedom to those who
have had it taken away. "So it is important that as a community of faith
that we celebrate peace; and all of those who seek to have that peace restored
all around the world but particuarly in the Middle East."
leader Bill Shorten used his speech at the event to urge all Australians to
stand up against bigots and racists in the wake of divisive debate about the
burqa in parliament. "In Australia, the very least we can do to complement
the efforts of our troops overseas is on behalf of our community to stand up
against sectarian idiots, bigots, people who would seek to put prejudiced views
and call them mainstream," he said.
not singling individuals out, but what I will say to politicians - whereever
they are please do not be headline hunters by engaging in the dimunation of
people's customs and cultures. "People who come to Australia should leave
their conflicts behind. We have one set of laws in Australia, but also as a
nation, our values are to value diversity."
opposition leader Shorten also emphasised tolerance.
us declare that the bigots, the racists, the haters, the extremists do not
speak for people of faith in modern Australia," he said.
was no room for intolerance, racism or prejudice, he said, echoing earlier
statements by Immigration Minister Scott Morrison.
and racial attacks
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Woman bashed, thrown from train in racist attack in Melbourne. (Photo: |
Woman's head bashed and then pushed off the train in racial attack
on train in Melbourne.
woman has been left traumatised after her head was smashed into the side of
train carriage during an apparent racial attack in Melbourne's north.
26-year-old victim was on an Upfield line train outbound on Thursday night when
she was approached by another woman, who began hurling abusive and racist
remarks. The woman grabbed the victim by the neck and hair, and forced her head
into the wall of the carriage several times. She then pushed the victim off the
train as it rolled into Batman Station in Coburg North. Senior Constable
Michael Potter said the incident occurred as the train approached the station
about 6.55pm on Thursday night, September 25, 2014.
would not confirm the race of the victim, despite Chief Commissioner Ken Lay
urging members of the Muslim community to come forward to report racial abuse
in the wake of heightened terror alerts and the stabbing of two police in
Endeavour Hills last week. Senior Constable Potter said releasing details about
the woman's race could identify her or potentially lead to further attacks. Two
men, who police believe may have witnessed the assault, approached the victim
and offered help. Senior Constable said police were still in the process of
reviewing and obtaining CCTV footage of the attack. He said there were no
Protective Services Officers rostered at the station when the woman was
victim had boarded the train at Flinders Street, but it is unclear when her
attacker boarded and alighted the train. The offender is described as
fair-skinned, about 177 centimetres tall, of solid build with short, brown hair
and light eyebrows. She was wearing baggy jeans, a puffy black hoodie and
runners. Anyone with information - in particular the two men who helped the
victim - is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or visit
The ‘Easterners from
the West’
Some people in
Indonesia call Australians as the ‘Easterners from the West’ and some others
call them as the ‘Westerners from the East’. The reality is that until now it
seems Australians (white Australians) still have difficulties to integrate with
the community of nations in the East including with Aborigine people, their
hosts in Aborigines Land.
On the contrary
these ‘Easterners from the West’ blame Aborigines for not being able to
integrate into the western culture and they don’t respect the well-established
rule in the world civilization that the new comers or the immigrants who should
(or make efforts to) integrate into the local/national culture of the host
country (land).
The Australians still prefer to have close
relations and cooperation with the Western countries rather than Eastern
countries. They are even still acting as merely imperialist exploiters of the
Eastern countries including Indonesia, a Muslim majority country.
Muslims threatened by wave of Islamophobia
fresh wave of Islamophobia has swept through Australia, threatening the
country’s Muslim community as they witness a rise in racially-motivated hate
crimes, Press TV reports. Community leaders have urged Australian Prime
Minister Tony Abbott to condemn Islamophobia in the country, after reports of
Muslim women being verbally abused and mosques defaced.
number of Muslim figures in the country have also reportedly received death
threats. Australia’s grand mufti, Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, as well as other
religious leaders called on the Muslim community to exercise restraint and
reject the ISIL Takfiri cult's call for Muslims to indiscriminately kill
this week, Australia announced that it was deploying armed security forces to
guard the country’s parliament after it allegedly foiled a plot by militants
linked to ISIL Takfiris in Syria and Iraq to carry out “public executions.” The
rise in hate crimes targeting Muslims in Australia comes after the government
announced plans to introduce new anti-terror legislation in parliament.
The new
laws would make it illegal for an individual to deliberately counsel, promote,
encourage or urge a terrorist act while police would be also granted powers to
secretly search the homes of suspects. On September 18, 15 people were arrested
after some 800 state and federal police forces raided more than one dozen
locations in Sydney.
Australian government says that up to 60 Australians are fighting alongside the
ISIL Takfiris operating in Iraq and Syria, while another 100 are actively
working to back the terrorist group inside Australia. Observers believe the US
and its allies, including Australia, are directly responsible for the rise of
Takfiri terrorist groups such as ISIL in the region because of their
interventionist policies, particularly in Iraq and Syria.
leaders in Australia have called for restraint amid a series of recent threats
and attacks against Muslims and mosques in the country. On Wednesday, September
24, 2014, Australia’s grand mufti, Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, as well as other
religious leaders called on the Muslim community to exercise self-control and
reject the ISIL Takfiri cult's call for Muslims to indiscriminately kill
“The recent so-called 'fatwa' from
overseas, making reference to Australia as a target, has no religious authority
and must be rejected,” the religious leaders said in a statement, adding, “We
call on everyone to exercise restraint and civility. We must not let emotion
take over common sense.”
is while Muslims and mosques in Australia had been targeted in a backlash over
fears about potential terror attacks.
recent days, extremist groups vandalized mosques and spray-painted threatening
messages on property and cars.
number of women, particularly in hijab, and children have been verbally abused
and threatened… . In one case, a western Sydney mother and her baby were spat
on and ... [the baby's] pram kicked. In another, a man in Perth tried to rip
the scarf off a woman's head,” said Mariam Veiszadeh from the Islamophobia
jihadists fuelling Islamophobia
Australian government has announced plans to introduce new anti-terror
legislation in parliament after allegedly foiling a plot by militants linked to
the ISIL in the country. Under the new laws, a terrorist act would become
illegal and the offence would carry a maximum five-year jail sentence. The
legislation would also make it illegal for an individual to deliberately
counsel, promote, encourage or urge a terrorist act while police would also be
granted powers to secretly search the homes of suspects. Canberra believes up
to 60 Australians are fighting alongside the ISIL Takfiris, while another 100
are actively working to back the terrorist group in Australia.
Professor Shahram Akbarzadeh in his article titled “Australian jihadists fuelling Islamophobia” published in The Canberra Times, June 26, 2014, wrote There may be more than a 100 Australian Muslims fighting with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. In security circles, these people are assessed as high risk for Australia.
Their militant ideology and practical knowledge of weapons use could pose a threat to Australian society upon their return. But the risk they pose is actually far greater than the immediate security threat. They threaten the very social fabric that has fostered Muslim communities. They put Australia's tradition of multiculturalism at risk and offer fodder to Islamophic commentators who see all Muslims as terrorists at heart.
is an old saying in Persian: it takes one fool to drop a stone in a well, and
many wise men to bring it out. This proverb captures the Muslim experience in
Australia. There is no doubt that some Australians feel uncomfortable with the
Muslim presence. Muslim traditions, habits, and beliefs are often seen as alien
and confronting.
The Howard government tried to capitalise on this anti-Muslim
bias to bolster its position by looking and sounding tough towards asylum
seekers, generally from Muslim backgrounds. The under-current message was
simple: Muslims are governed by un-Australian principles and an inferior value
system. This was a blatant political gimmick. But it tapped into a vein that
has proven too rich to be ignored by subsequent governments. The latent
Islamophobia presents a challenge to Muslims in Australia. And many Muslims
have risen to it.
organisations have learnt plenty about the need for proactive engagement. In
the past, Muslim organisations were generally concerned with their own
community affairs. These were inward-looking organisations/communities. They
often reacted to events and external criticisms about their beliefs and
traditions, feeling dejected with accusations and pointed questions that
implied a link between Islam and terrorist activities. The sense of victimhood
was a defining feature of Australian Muslims.
in the last decade, many old and new Muslim organisations have tried to get on
the front foot. They have come to realise they will never be taken seriously by
the broad public, let alone the tabloid press, if they limit their public
activity to issuing statements to deny the presumed link between Islam and
terrorism, and protesting Muslims' innocence.
Muslim organisations have tried
to offer alternative views and set the agenda, rather than wait to be called by
a frantic journalist on an urgent story. Islamic leaders now engage with NGOs,
policy and opinion-makers, as well as government departments and the police to
help reset relations between Muslims and the broader community. Their message
is simple but powerful, Australian Muslims are part of the solution.
proactive engagement, however, has caused a stir within the Muslim communities
and presented the Muslim leadership with a new and unlikely challenge. This one
emanates from the fringes of Australian Muslims, and draws on suspicions of the
government agenda to stigmatise any Muslim organisation that engages with
government agencies.
As a result, Muslim organisations are often forced to work
on two very different levels. On the one hand, they work with a range of
government and non-government organisations to bolster social harmony and a
sense of shared purpose. On the other, they work at the community level to
dismiss allegations of betraying Islam. This is a daunting task and they look
all the guiltier to their radical critics for trying to deny such outrageous
is where the fool and wise men analogy comes in. A few misguided Muslims who
choose the path of adventurism and break the law to join the ranks of ISIL undo
years of hard work by Islamic community organisations. They perpetuate an image
of Islam as fanatical and bloodthirsty, damaging the Muslims' reputation in
Australia. Ultimately, they play into the hand of Islamophobes who make life
hard for the law-abiding Muslim citizens of Australia, concluded Professor
Shahram Akbarzadeh from the Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin
Rise of Islamophobia in ‘White Australia’
in his article titled “The Rise of Islamophobia in ‘White Australia’”
published in Global Research, writes “A BARE-CHESTED youth in Quiksilver
board shorts tore the headscarf off the girl’s head as she slithered down the
Cronulla dune seeking safety on the beach from a thousand-strong baying mob”.
Sydney Morning Herald, 12 December 2005.
in Australia is not something suddenly appeared over the horizon because of the
weather. To the contrary, racism against Muslims has always been part of
Australia’s psyche. Whether it is against neighbouring Indonesia, Malaysia or
Muslim Australians; the pall of racism is permanently hovering over Australia.
Government policies, including the criminal war against Iraq and the
introduction of the so-called “anti-terrorism” laws have legitimised racism
against Arab and Muslim Australians.
Runnymede Trust in Britain defined Islamophobia as: “The unfounded hostility
towards Islam. It refers also to the practical consequences of such hostility
in unfair discrimination against Muslim individuals and communities, and to the
exclusion of Muslims from mainstream political and social affairs”. Islamophobia
is anti-Semitism, which “has fed racist hostility against people of Middle
Eastern, Arab and South Asian origin and has in turn been bolstered by racial
prejudice and xenophobia”.
“war of civilizations” against Muslims
is encouraged by the Howard-Bush claims that they are engaged in a “war of
civilizations” against Muslims. Islamophobia is growing rapidly in Australia in
that it is now not uncommon to see white male Australians abusing Muslim women
(wearing the Hijab or headscarf) in buses, on beaches and on the streets of
Australia’s big cities. “Aussie” males are real machismos when it comes to
women. It should be noted that insulting or harassing Muslim women wearing the
hijab is not an offence in Australia, as this considered part of the
Bush-Howard mission of “liberating” Muslim women.
has no Bill of Rights and no federal Religious Freedom Act. Only Queensland and
Victoria have recently extended the anti-discrimination laws to cover religious
vilification, and this has strong opposition from the Christian parties. In all
other Australian states racism is part of free speech, but criticising the
Government complicity in war crimes in Iraq is not. Anti-Muslims hatred and
racism are central to the Government policies in “multicultural” Australia.
shallow “multiculturalism” produces ‘an ethnicised Muslim identity’ subjected
to racism and discrimination in education, at work and in public. It
consciously and deliberately enforces the “Others” feeling in the general community,
and creates a mentality of superiority among ‘White Australians’.
requires subordination of those who are from ethnic minorities. Shallow
“multiculturalism” is designed to marginalise ethnic groups and isolates them
into ghettoised communities. This form of institutionalise racism reinforces
the disadvantage already experienced by members of the Muslim Community, and
restrict their integration in the wider Australian community. At the same time,
Anglo-Saxon values are presented as a unique paradigm applicable to the whole
community, if not the world at large.
projects self-image as a “tolerant”, “welcoming”, and “Fair Go” country.
Anglo-Saxon Australians often hallucinate about their images and their
“easygoing lifestyle”. Nothing could be further from the truth. Australians
work much longer hours than any other member of the OECD countries and obesity
among Australians is rising at unparalleled rates.
crimes and violence against women are among the highest in Western countries.
Racism is widespread, but it is buried in shallow ground. “Deep down we have
this fear of people who are different from us”, said Tasmanian Labor MP Harry
Quick. Like the French, Australians are living in denial of deep-seated racism.
elitist Anglo-Saxon rule
country is ruled by an elitist Anglo-Saxon dominant class to which smaller
ethnic groups have to conform. It systematically advantages the Anglo-Saxon
class and marginalises (subordinates) the non-Anglo-Saxon ethnic groups, such
as those from Muslim and Arab backgrounds.
creates a permanent under the surface racial mentality, which is often
exploited by politicians, rightwing thugs and other groups within the
Anglo-Saxon class. Australia’s “Fair Go” was meant only for white Anglo-Saxon
Australians, with a dividing line between the dominant and the subordinate
over Australia the gap between ‘the have’ and the ‘have not’ is widening
steadily, with well-documented racism against ethnic minorities, particularly
against Muslims. The Anglo-Saxon rich are congregating around the beaches and
in leafy suburbs, while the poor are pushed further into the poorer suburbs –
where most of the about 300,000 Muslim Australians live – with little prospect
of finding decent employment or education.
recent study on racist attitudes conducted by the University of New South Wales
(UNSW) in 2003 found one in eight Australians interviewed admitted they were
prejudiced, particularly towards Muslim Australians. The study, conducted by a
team led by geography senior lecturer Dr. Kevin Dunn, also found some Australians
were living in denial of such prejudice though 80 per cent of those surveyed
recognized racism was a problem. When asked if they ever met a Muslim. ‘NO’,
they said.
report, entitled ‘Respect and Racism in Australia’, prepared in June 2004 by
Racism Monitor Group of the University of Technology in Sydney (UTS) reveals
that; Australian Arabs Muslims community “has been and continues to be unfairly
targeted” specifically, and that racism is so frequent that “it has become
almost accepted” and Muslims do not feel ‘entitled’ to make complaints. Racism
against Muslims is openly promoted, and continues to contribute to decrease in
the process of integration. It is propagated by politicians as a tool to instil
fear in the community and justify draconian policies.
racist “White Australia Policy”
it has been predicted, the “Anti-terrorism Bill”, introduced here recently has
encouraged, if not incited Islamophobia. The new laws enforced a pre-existing
fear in the Muslim community. Muslims are made to feel alienated, and (as if
they) do not truly belong in Australia. The Bill, as it is called, designed
specifically to discriminate against Australians from Muslim and Arabic
backgrounds. The recent violent attacks on members of Australia’s Muslim
Community were just a few cases.
least 5000 “White Australians” invaded the south eastern Sydney suburb of
Cronulla’s foreshore and beachside streets on Sunday (11 December 2005) chasing
two young Muslim Australians of Lebanese origin. Racist thugs and Neo-fascist
opportunists attacked and assaulted individuals and small groups of Muslim
racially motivated violence, which has been boiling for sometimes is
misleadingly portrayed in the media as “the local boys trying to protect their
beach and community”. It is also alleged that the violence is in retaliation to
a rumours that Muslim youths assaulted two lifeguards earlier this month.
media – the most controlled in the Western world – not only play a crucial role
in inciting and legitimising these criminal acts. They also ‘perpetuate
historically inherited stereotypes and cultural imaginaries that form part of
the national collective memory bank’. Anti-Muslims hatred is a best seller in
Australia. TV, radio, the printing press and publishing houses are competing
for the best available distortion of Islam and Muslims. In fact one can become
a celebrity overnight in Australia, by simply producing a distorted image of
Arabs and Muslims. It is a topic promoted as much as playing Cricket.
grunts led by the right-wing columnist Andrew Bolt of the Melbourne Herald Sun,
Janet Albrechtsen of Murdoch’s The Australian newspaper, and Alan Jones of
Sydney Radio 2GB and others are fuelling racism and influencing community’s
attitudes. Indeed, Alan Jones is encouraging racially-motivated violence
against Muslims on his popular redneck talk.
Anti-Muslims hatred is rising because of media
bashing of Muslims and Government policy of incarcerating of the mainly Muslim
refugees. “Sections of the media took [the attack on Cronulla beach] far too
far and one can only surmise that the way this issues was dealt with on
talkback radio amounts to incitement”, said Mr. Keysar Trad, president of
Islamic Friendship Association of Australia.
flawed reasons have been provided to justifying the violent attacks against
Muslims and to cover up racism as central to the violence. The racially
motivated attack in Cronulla “is revenge for the Bali bombings and the
September 11 attacks”, declared Bruce Baird, a Federal Liberal backbencher in
seems that the destruction of the Iraqi society and the slaughter of hundreds
of thousands of innocent Iraqi women, children and men by the Anglo-American
armies is not a sufficient holocaust to satisfy Mr. Cook violent revenge.
Whatever the reason was, “it shows that there is underlying racism running
deeply in the Australian psyche”, said Huranda Seyit, director of the Forum on
Australian-Islamic Relations. It is remarkable that Muslims are the first to
call on Muslim youth in the Community to “calm down, and refrain from any
further violence”. Why shouldn’t “White Australians” do the same?
politicians have been the only beneficiaries of violence and racism against
Australians from non-Anglo-Saxon backgrounds. “This is a great day” for
Australia, said John Moffitt, leader of the Australia First Party, a rightwing
collection of thugs. Others want to go back to the old days of “White Australia
Policy”. Defunct racist politicians such as John Stone of the National Party
are attacking Islam, and advocating the banning of Muslim immigrants and
abolishing “multiculturalism”.
MPs Bronwyn Bishop and Sophie Panopoulos have repeatedly attacked Islam, using
Muslim women dresses as the pretext to incite Australians to stand up against
the Muslim hijab in schools. The purpose of this old “colonial feminism” is not
to defend Muslim women rights, but to promote racism, denying Muslim women
education, and their rights to wear whatever suites them.
have these two MPs said about the abuses and torture of Iraqi women by the
occupying forces and their leaders? Instead of rejecting their views, the
Government has encouraged this kind of racism, and allows Nazis-like groups
such as the Australia First Party and the Patriotic Youth League to flourish.
Muslim women were always the immediate targets of the racially-motivated
violence. The daily Melbourne, The Age reported on November 13, 2005 that;
“’Fatimah’ [a Muslim woman] was punched, kicked, spat on and abused, told to
‘go home to her own country and left with an injury to her right eye’. Her
sister, she said, had a knife thrust towards’ her face”.
West Australian Sunday Times (13 November 2005) is labelling every Muslim a
“terrorist”, and the victims are always, Australian women of Muslim
backgrounds. ”I think families are staying home and avoiding going out,
particularly women who wear the hijab, because we have seen that they are
particularly targeted”, said Australian Arabic Council deputy chairman, Mr. Taimor
is a serious threat to the Australian society. It is reminiscent to that of
anti-Jews hatred in Europe in recent history. “Racism in Australia is rooted in
every area of Australian society, from government to schools to courts to
churches…. Racism is an endemic and chronic problem that must be addressed and
solved”, writes the Australian author, Anne Pattel-Gray. “Racism is embedded in
Australian culture and federal politicians should not ignore it”, added MP
Harry Quick.
Police alleged to have evidence that Neo-Nazis and “white supremacist” groups,
including right-wing politicians were among the crowd attacking Muslims at
Cronulla beach. Meanwhile those who are promoting and selling racism are
sitting and laughing in their party rooms, radio and TV stations, and editorial
news rooms around Australia. In order for tolerance to establish its roots deep
in society, the head of racism must be cut off and buried.
tolerant non-racial society is an egalitarian society free of racial
categories. “As Australia increasingly globalizes it must shed the ignorant
roots of intolerance and embrace the multiplicity of nationalities already
within its borders. If the North Cronulla riots are not incentive enough for
change, then Australia risks a future plagued by disunity and disgruntled
reaction to the faux ideals of egalitarianism”, writes Bede A. Moore, editor of
The Harvard Crimson, a publication of Harvard University.
racist “White Australia Policy” is not dead; it is still here hovering over
Australia. What is needed is an anti-racism bill to protect marginalised
Australians from the threat of racially-motivated violence, and to counter the
rise of Islamophobia, concluded Ghali Hassan. (Global Research Contributing
Editor Ghali Hassan lives in Perth, Western Australia).
Editor-in-Chief of Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) (He can be contacted
via emails:
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