On patience and gratitude
by Thahir Mohamed
Source: MuslimVillage.com
Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “How amazing is the case of the believer;
there is good for him in everything, and this characteristic is exclusively for
him alone. If he experiences something pleasant, he is thankful, and that is
good for him; and if he comes across some adversity, he is patient, and that is
good for him.” [Muslim]
(swt), the Most Merciful, has created situations in our lives, such that by
having strong faith and positive attitude we can earn immense good. But the
Satan on the other hand tries to make us despondent and negative and make us
forget the favors of Allah. Satan makes us focus and zoom in on minor
difficulties and disregard the billions of Niyamat our Lord has bestowed on us.
is Patience and how to develop it ?
(Patience) is the ability to endure pain and difficulty with self-control, forbearance,
calmness and equanimity having in mind the reality that the current life is
fleeting and the true life is the life of the hereafter.
learn from Hadith that it is the most virtuous people who go through the most
trials. It is the Prophets who endured the greatest hardships. Allah (Exalted
and Majestic) gives us trials and difficulties to the extent of our piety and
thereby helps elevate us. For even in this worldly life, no one can become a
doctor or an engineer or achieve anything without going through hardships and
succeeding in several tests and exams. Then what about attaining high stations
in the eternal life ?
(Allah’s peace be upon him) was mocked, ridiculed and harassed by his own
community when he started preaching Islam. These were the people who once
honored him and named him Amin (Trustworthy). Still our beloved Prophet
(Allah’s peace be upon him) endured all this with patience, constantly making
dua for their guidance. When Prophet (Allah’s peace be upon him) returned to Mecca
victorious he showed his extreme forbearance and forgave all those who had
abused him.
These people consequently accepted Islam and
became his ardent followers. Similarly, when any of us start following the Deen
and adopting the Sunnah we may face difficulties and ridicule from our own
relatives and friends. But surely Allah’s help is with those who are steadfast
in following His commandments. Allah says in the Holy Quran – ” Allâh has
decreed: “Verily! It is I and My Messengers who shall be the victorious.”
Verily, Allâh is All-Powerful, All-Mighty” (Surah Mujadila, verse 20). Allah
says – “Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without
reckoning”. Further Allah says, “Indeed Allah is with those who are patient.”
face trials of patience in our daily life. Allah bestows some with more in
terms of worldly comforts than others. Allah might bestow some with better
family, children, reputation or jobs than others. Verily these are tests of our
patience and gratefulness. “Your wealth and your children are only a
trial (fitnah). And Allah – With Him is a great reward (Paradise).”
[Surah al-Taghabun, 15] When we look at people who have more than us, we need
to realize that what Allah has bestowed on them is a trial for them and it may
be that if Allah had bestowed the same on me I may not have been able to
fulfill the responsibilities of these Niyamats and would be held responsible on
the Day of Judgement.
we need to look at people who have been less fortunate. Alhamdulilah, Allah has
blessed us with sight, hearing, speech, ability to walk etc. What about people
who miss any of these ? If any small organ does not work properly in the body,
then the person has to undergo so much pain and medical expenses. We need to be
constantly thankful to Allah for each and every organ in our body – which are
doing their jobs without us making any effort or paying them.
also face trials wherein people do not fulfill their responsibilities towards
us (Say for example the daughter-in-law does not respect and treat well the
mother-in-law and vice versa). “The one who reciprocates the good done to
him by a relative is not the one who joins the tie of kinship. He is rather the
one, when his relatives treat him badly he treats them well.” (Al-Bukhârî)
when in any such situation where our kith and kin do not give us treatment we
might deserve we need to remember the above words of the Prophet (Allah’s peace
be upon him) and do good to them. We need to take peace and rest from the fact
that on the Day of Judgement, Allah will settle all accounts. And for any of
our rights which were not fulfilled, Allah (Exalted and Majestic) will honor us
and fulfill them on the Day of Judgement and give us an eternal reward.
gratefulness (shukr)
ye give thanks, I will give you more; but if ye are thankless, lo! My
punishment is dire” (Ibrahim 14: 7)
our relationships and dealings with others in life are based on mutual
reciprocation. But Allah is fully Self-Sufficient and needs no one, while we
are completely in need of Him. Hence the least we can do is to show sincere
gratitude and obedience to Him.
is taking care and providing for us right from the time we were conceived to
the time of our death.
created man from an extract of clay.
Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech,
suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah
(chewed substance)” (23:12-14).
we are weak and powerless in the mother’s womb He provides us food through the
umbilical cord. When we are born, Allah puts so much love and compassion for us
in our parents’ hearts that they do not mind any suffering in taking care of
us. True shukr or gratefulness to Allah is in realizing each and every blessing
Allah has given us, and thanking Him for it.
ask Allah to make us all of the patient and the grateful. (HSH)
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