As-Salāmu `Alaykum wa rahmatu l-lāhi wa barakātuh!

I hope you're fine

Daily Hadith


Who is Muhammad?

Who is Muhammad?

Muhammad, was born in Makkah in the year 570, at a time when Christianity was not yet fully established in Europe. Since his father died before his birth, and his mother shortly afterwards, he was raised by his uncle from the respected tribe of Quraysh. As he grew up, he became known for his truthfulness, generosity and sincerity, so that he was sought after for his ability to arbitrate in disputes. The historians describe him as calm and meditative.

Muhammad was of a deeply religious nature, and had long detested the decadence of his society. It became his habit to meditate from time to time in the Cave of Hira near the summit of Jabal al-Nur, the 'Mountain of Light' near Makkah.

How did Muhammad become a prophet and a messenger of God?

At the age of 40, while engaged in a meditative retreat, Muhammad received his first revelation from God through the Angel Gabriel. This revelation, which continued for twenty-three years, is known as the Quran.

The Mountain of Light where Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad.

As soon as he began to recite the words he heard from Gabriel, and to preach the truth which God had revealed to him, he and his small group of followers suffered bitter persecution, which grew so fierce that in the year 622 God gave them the command to emigrate. This event, the Hijra, 'migration', in which they left Makkah for the city of Madinah some 260 miles to the north, marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar.

After several years, the Prophet and his followers were able to return to Makkah, where they forgave their enemies and established Islam definitively. Before the Prophet died at the age of 63, the greater part of Arabia was Muslim, and within a century of his death Islam had spread to Spain in the West and as far East as China.

The Simple Life of Muhammad

If we compare the life of Muhammad before his mission as a prophet and his life after he began his mission as a prophet, we will conclude that it is beyond reason to think that Muhammad was a false prophet, who claimed prophethood to attain material gains, greatness, glory, or power.

Before his mission as a prophet, Muhammad had no financial worries. As a successful and reputed merchant, Muhammad drew a satisfactory and comfortable income. After his mission as a prophet and because of it, he became worse off materially. To clarify this more, let us browse the following sayings on his life:

n Aa’isha, Muhammad’s wife, said, “O my nephew, we would sight three new moons in two months without lighting a fire (to cook a meal) in the Prophet’s houses.” Her nephew asked, “O Aunt, what sustained you?” She said, “The two black things, dates and water, but the Prophet had some Ansar neighbors who had milk-giving she-camels and they used to send the Prophet some of its milk.”

n Sahl Ibn Sa’ad, one of Muhammad’s companions, said, “The Prophet of God did not see bread made from fine flour from the time God sent him (as a prophet) until he died.”

n Aa’isha, Muhammad’s wife, said, “The mattress of the Prophet , on which he slept, was made of leather stuffed with the fiber of the date-palm tree.”

n Amr Ibn Al-Hareth, one of Muhammad’s companions, said that when the Prophet died, he left neither money nor anything else except his white riding mule, his arms, and a piece of land which he left to charity.

Muhammad lived this hard life till he died although the Muslim treasury was at his disposal, the greater part of the Arabian Peninsula was Muslim before he died, and the Muslims were victorious after eighteen years of his mission.

Is it possible that Muhammad might have claimed prophethood in order to attain status, greatness, and power? The desire to enjoy status and power is usually associated with good food, fancy clothing, monumental palaces, colorful guards, and indisputable authority. Do any of these indicators apply to Muhammad ? A few glimpses of his life that may help answer this question follow.

Despite his responsibilities as a prophet, a teacher, a statesman, and a judge, Muhammad used to milk his goat, mend his clothes, repair his shoes, help with the household work, and visit poor people when they got sick. He also helped his companions in digging a trench by moving sand with them. His life was an amazing model of simplicity and humbleness.

Muhammad’s followers loved him, respected him, and trusted him to an amazing extent. Yet he continued to emphasize that deification should be directed to God and not to him personally. Anas, one of Muhammad’s companions, said that there was no person whom they loved more than the Prophet Muhammad , yet when he came to them, they did not stand up for him because he hated their standing up for him,10 as other people do with their great people.

Long before there was any prospect of success for Islam and at the outset of a long and painful era of torture, suffering, and persecution of Muhammad and his followers, he received an interesting offer. An envoy of the pagan leaders, Otba, came to him saying, “...If you want money, we will collect enough money for you so that you will be the richest one of us. If you want leadership, we will take you as our leader and never decide on any matter without your approval. If you want a kingdom, we will crown you king over us...” Only one concession was required from Muhammad in return for that, to give up calling people to Islam and worshipping God alone without any partner. Wouldn’t this offer be tempting to one pursuing worldly benefit? Was Muhammad hesitant when the offer was made? Did he turn it down as a bargaining strategy leaving the door open for a better offer? The following was his answer: {In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful} And he recited to Otba the verses of the Quran 41:1-38.11 The Following are some of these verses:

A revelation from (God), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful; a Book whereof the verses are explained in detail; a Quran in Arabic, for people who know, giving good news and warning, yet most of them turn away, so they do not listen. (Quran, 41:2-4)

On another occasion and in response to his uncle’s plea to stop calling people to Islam, Muhammad’s answer was as decisive and sincere: {I swear by the name of God, O Uncle!, that if they place the sun in my right-hand and the moon in my left-hand in return for giving up this matter (calling people to Islam), I will never desist until either God makes it triumph or I perish defending it.}12

Muhammad and his few followers did not only suffer from persecution for thirteen years but the unbelievers even tried to kill Muhammad several times. On one occasion they attempted to kill him by dropping a large boulder, which could barely be lifted, on his head.13 Another time they tried to kill him by poisoning his food.14 What could justify such a life of suffering and sacrifice even after he was fully triumphant over his adversaries? What could explain the humbleness and nobility which he demonstrated in his most glorious moments when he insisted that success is due only to God’s help and not to his own genius? Are these the characteristics of a power-hungry or a self-centered man?

How did the spread of Islam affect the world?

Among the reasons for the rapid and peaceful spread of Islam was the simplicity of its doctrine - Islam calls for faith in only One God worthy of worship. It also repeatedly instructs man to use his powers of intelligence and observation.

Within a few years, great civilizations and universities were flourishing, for according to the Prophet, 'seeking knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim man and woman'. The synthesis of Eastern and Western ideas and of new thought with old, brought about great advances in medicine, mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, architecture, art, literature, and history. Many crucial systems such as algebra, the Arabic numerals, and also the concept of the zero (vital to the advancement of mathematics), were transmitted to medieval Europe from Islam. Sophisticated instruments which were to make possible the European voyages of discovery were developed, including the astrolabe, the quadrant and good navigational maps.

Prophet Mohamed in fair western eyes

Prophet Mohammed in fair western eyes Goethe (the Germen's poet) says: (1) "we the citizens of Europe with our believes and principles, couldn't reach what Mohammed has reached , and no one will proceed him
(2)…,I'v searched through history to find a top example for human , and I concluded that he is Mohammed ..therefore the truth must be revealed and raised , as Mohammed has succeeded, the one who bowed the whole world by the word of monotheism..
(3) LeoTolsy the Russian writer who was forbidden by the church for his emprise and free ideas , says:'' I am one of those who blinded by the prophet Mohammed ,who was chosen By the only God to fulfill his massage ,and to be the last prophet…and it is proudly enough that he has guided a whole nation to the light of truth , and made it live peacefully , and has opened to it the path of prosper and civilization ." Lamartine the French poet says:'' The remarkable incident in my whole life, is that I have studied the life of prophet Mohammed , and I realized its greatness and eternity , who dare to compare any man from history with prophet Mohammed ?!who is greater than him ,looking to all criterion measuring man's greatness?!! His behavior in the time of glory, his ambitions to spread the massage, his long lasting prayers, and his celestial interlocution all are evidence to a perfect faith that helped him to establish the basics of his massage . the messenger , the project ,the conqueror ,the corrector of the believes the one who established worshipping which not depend on images ,is Mohammed .He has destroyed all believes that adopting mediator between the creator and his creation.
(4) Bernard Shaw the philosopher says:" I'v studied Mohammed as an amazing man, and I've found him a way from antagonizing Jesus ,he must be called the Savior of Humanity. Nowadays Europe starts to understand the faith of monotheism , and may be more than that , it confesses the ability of that faith to solve its problems by a way leading to peace and happiness, So through that essence you should understand my prediction"
(5) "if we judge the greatness by measuring the influence of that great on the people, so we should say that Mohammed is the greatest great in history ,he stopped racism and myths ,and established over Christianity and Judaism and his country's religion, a very clear and a strong religion , that succeeded to be until these days a power with great danger"
(6) "History has no man, except Mohammed, who is ,a massage carrier, a nation establisher , a founder of a country…all these three things done by Mohammed , was a united unity , and religion was the power that maintain its unity over history"
(7) Voltaire the French philosopher says: "Prophet Mohammed played a great role ,that no man can do on earth ….He brought a book and fight, that is the least thing we can say a bout Mohammed, Islam never changed, but you and your priests have changed your religion twenty times "
(8) The Swiss theology scholar Dr.Hanz Kong who believes that Jesus is just a man and a prophet who was chosen by God ,says:" Mohammed is a real prophet with all meanings , we can not deny that Mohammed is the guide leader to the path of survival"
(9) What is remarkable in Mohammed is that his life details ,biography and his virtues are all recorded in history .So there is no mysteries in any part of his life. This was confessed by the most famous western historians. the British Arnold Twenby says: "Those who want to study the scented Prophetic Biography find many information that they can not find such details about the life of any other prophets"
(10) ConteKatiany in his book {History of Islam} says: "Is not Prophet Mohammed worthy to present his life to the whole world ,therefore the vengeful of him and his massage can not deny that he was brought to spread peace and love all over the world?! the history of Jesus doesn't present fulfilling life details" The famous Oriental Justaph Lubuned says: "we know well enough about Mohammed's life, but the life of Jesus is nearly unknown, and you will not find details about his life in the bibles "
(11) R.F Bodly insist on that meaning and says:" We don't know except few details about Jesus' life , but about Mohammed's life we know many details, and we find his history instead of mysteries and shades"
(12) The oriental Hill says in his book {Arab civilization}:"Mohammed had produced a Nation to the world, and enabled God's worshipping on the earth , and established the basis of justice and social equality ,and applied systems ,arrangements ,obedience ,and glory in a society knows nothing but muss and disorder" Jack Leak,The Spanish oriental in his book {The Arab}says: 'The life of Mohammed cannot be perfectly described as it is described by God saying:" And We have sent you Muhammad(PBUH) not but as a mercy for the (mankind, jinn and all that exists)." Mohammed was a real mercy , and I pray for him passionately and interestingly .
(13) Christopher Darksome the Historian, says in his book{Rules of Movement in world's History } :"The World have changed a sudden Change by one person's action who appeared in history , that was Mohammed" Cheiril the scholar , the dean of the law college in Vienna says: "Humanity is proud that a man like Mohammed belongs to it"
(14) The French researcher Kleman Hwart :" Mohammed wasn't an ordinary prophet ,but he perfectly deserve to be the last prophet ,because he has faced all the difficulties that faced previous Prophets, even doubled from his own people ,…and an extraordinary prophet to swear "If Fatima the daughter of Mohammed steal I would cut her hand"! If the Muslims consider their messenger as their top example for spreading knowledge and awareness, the whole world would be Muslims.


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